
Saturday, January 16, 2010

To Tweet or not to Tweet, that is the question

Tomorrow I am off to California, my old stomping ground. I lived in a few places in California: Santa Cruz, Scotts Valley, Felton, Capitola and Santa Rosa. My fondest memories in California involve wine.

I am excited to see my friends and coworkers at Bargetto Winery where I first got a job in the wine industry as the Wine Club Assistant in August of 2004. I could have never imagined that taking that job would change my life so drastically. Now my family has a vineyard in Wisconsin! How crazy is that? I have traveled around the world making wine at all sorts of wineries. Me, the girl who hated science and math and preferred art and fashion, is currently in school for winemaking and viticulture.

Today we had our Annual Strategy Meeting at Willamette Valley Vineyards. The topic: Social Media and Marketing. I cannot decide if I am going to take on Twittering. I mean what do you say? I will be over once I am done Tweeting. Send me a Tweet? It kind of sounds like I am Tweety bird.

In California I will be attending the Direct to Consumer Symposium where the topic of discussion is Social Media. Also on my agenda is tours and tastings around Napa Valley area, a quick trip to Bargetto Winery to say hello and visiting friends.

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