
Monday, December 13, 2010

Self reflection

Look left.

Self reflection. Literally.

A weekend dedicated to ME (and a Christmas tree that fell only once, high alcohol beer, cleaning, the gym, sad movies and great company).

Here is what I discovered:

1. I expect a lot of myself and of others. This applies in all facets of my life. I really believe that most people underestimate their true capabilities. If we all applied ourselves just 5% more, just think how much more we could accomplish.

2. I love to learn. After high school I went to college, after college I continued to take classes in winemaking, viticulture and Spanish. This year I graduated with a Certificate of Specialization in Enology from DMACC. Education is an important piece of me. It has shaped my life. It has guided me along. This weekend I made a concise decision to dedicate more time to further my education. A quote from John Dewey, "Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself." Right on John!

3. I am lucky to have found a career in the wine industry at a young age. Over the years, I have collected experiences and built up a wealth of knowledge. So now I am choosing to use it in the best way possible. I want to make a difference with my work, and I am not talking about a financial difference. If I can change one persons' life with my words, my advice or by my example than I know I have succeeded.

4. I am at my best when I am healthy and fit. Brent and I joined the gym last weekend and so far so good. I am a running machine. My body is sore but my mind is strong.

5. I have met the most wonderful man who balances me. I am definitely a right brain thinker: a bit random, led by feelings, see the whole picture, naturally creative, the one who dreams big. Brent is definitely a left brain thinker: logical, rational, analytical, objective. It is now crystal clear as to why certain things happened in my life. I would have never had the opportunity to meet this wonderful man. It is amazing what a little time and a clearer perspective on life can make you see.

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