
Thursday, September 24, 2009

Mr. Construction Worker

This is a good one. My commute in California was 2 miles. I left my house in Capitola each morning and made one stop at Peet's Coffee for a small double shot soy latte and a pumpkin scone. There was a shortcut only the locals knew about. This is the street I chose to take each morning. I avoided a few stoplights by doing so.

Well, then construction started. At first I was annoyed. I continued to take this route because it was what I was used to. Then I noticed him. He was driving a yellow tractor. Each morning I couldn't wait to drive by and wave hello. This went on for months. I told everyone at work about the cute construction worker who drove the yellow tractor. I even showed them as we drove by.

One day I was driving to work and noticed him standing on the street. He was directing traffic. He stopped my truck and walked up to the window. I rolled my window down and thought he was going to yell at me for driving too fast or something. He pulled a piece of paper out of his back jeans pocket and said he had seen me driving by the past few months. He told me his name and said I should give him a call sometime. Traffic was backing up and I was pretty embarrassed. I took the piece of paper and said I would call him. All of his work mates watched me as I drove by. I gave them my daily wave and went to work. I realized that in the short time we had spoken, I hadn't even told him my name. Now what? If I called him, I had to say this is the girl who drives the yellow Xterra. It took me two days to get up the courage to call him. But it was worth it.

Mr. Construction Worker is a very sweet guy and now I have a great story to share. It is memories like this that make me smile. You have one life. The decisions you make on a day-to-day basis will change the direction of your life's path. To me, it is worth taking chances like this. If you constantly play it safe you will never truly live life.

I am looking for someone who isn't afraid to take a chance. Enjoy life and live it to its fullest.

Next up...Mr. NHL.

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