
Monday, March 24, 2008

New Zealand Nights

I just completed my second 12 hour night shift. It is amazing how fast a day goes when you work 12 hour shifts. Here's a breakdown of my typical day:

6:25 PM get picked up by Catch-a-Bus and head to winery
6:35 PM arrive at winery and enjoy a nice espresso
6:45 PM begin work
10:00 PM Smoko-term for New Zealand break
10:15 PM back to work
1:00 AM Lunch/Dinner ???who knows what to call it at this time of night
1:30 AM back to work
4:00 AM Smoko break--this is when I overload on caffeine
4:15 AM back to work
6:45 AM shift change
7:00 AM clock out and board Catch-a-Bus
7:15 AM arrive home and check email
7:30 AM go to bed
1:00 PM wake up and eat breakfast, play on computer, run or go for a bike ride, lay out in sun, etc.
5:00 PM get ready for work
6:25 PM start all over again

The first night went really fast because I spent the first 9 hours power washing barrels and the last 3 hours cleaning bungs,, the rubber stoppers that go into the barrels, and listening to music. Last night, my second 12 hour shift was extremely long since there wasn't any barrel work and no grapes to process. We were given the option to go home, but I didn't think it was a smart since I am trying to switch my sleep schedule and such. I did some additions to tanks, setup for dispatch of wine into trucks, chilled some wine in tanks, cleaned steel railings and then layed on the cement cellar floor for about two hours. Tonight we are supposed to get a couple tons of grapes so we should be busy.

I posted some pictures of the winery. Check them out.


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