
Thursday, June 27, 2013


I stumbled across this website, "33 Ways to Make 2013 Your Best Year Yet" when I Googled "33".  Year 32 has had its fair share of challenges and life changing decisions. I have finally found a place I can truly call home...well besides Wisconsin. I am still sorting out my career ambitions which may or may not include a real 9-5 full-time job, but in the meantime I have been lucky to be overloaded with lots of wine consulting opportunities to keep me busy. 

Next week, when I begin year 33, I am going to remember to write more, let it go, write my damn book already, do more of what makes me happy, and be a lamp, or lifeboat or a ladder. You never know what might happen if you replace "Who's going to let me?" with "Who's going to stop me?"

33 Ways to Make 2013 Your Best Year Yet

1. Fewer resolutions. More resolve.

2. Increase your daily level of optimism. AMAZING things will start to happen!

3. Be a lamp. Or a lifeboat. Or a ladder.

4. Mean people suck. Don't become one of them. Not even for a second.

5. Write more. Journaling, blogging, morning pages, notes to friends and loved ones.

6. Feature and leverage other people.

7. Be more gracious and more grateful.

8. Less excitement. More execution.

9. Let it go. Yes, you know EXACTLY what I mean. (Thanks again, Joe Calloway!)

10. Create a mastermind alliance or partnership. It will make all the difference.

11. Write your damn book already.

12. Drink more water.

13. In case of emergency, oxygen masks will drop from the overhead compartment. Secure your own mask before assisting others. 

14. Clean up. De-clutter. De-pile.

15. Make more lists and use them wisely.

16. When it comes to social media: Post value (not ego); Re tweet generously; Shout-out loudly; Thank abundantly.

17. Carry a notebook everywhere. Got an idea? Write it down. With today's date. And a "next action" step. Repeat.

18. Get more sleep.

19. Do more of what makes you happy.

20. If you speak or present regularly, your ideas deserve beautiful slides. This might help.

21. If you DON'T speak or present regularly, you are missing out on the #1 way to boost your career, grow your business, and magnify your impact on the world.

22. Nobody buys your products, services or ideas "sight unseen." So go get seen.

23. "If everything seems under control, you're not going fast enough." ~ Mario Andretti

24. Read Getting Things Done by David Allen.

25. Master your inbox once and for all. Massive freedom will follow.

26. Tap into trends to generate more and better ideas for both your business and your life. Start here or here.

27. Stop worrying about the HOW. Focus on your big ass WHY and a small set of very specific WHATs. The rest will take care of itself. Honest.

28. Become more in tune with the time/space continuum. Seriously. Rather than wanting everything to happen "Now, now, and now" (which only causes overwhelm and frustration) focus more consistently on what you need to do "Next, next, and next."

29. The three factors to your long-term success:
1. Your Authenticity
2. Your Expertise
3. Your Enthusiasm.

30. Replace "Who's going to let me?" with "Who's going to stop me?" (Hint: Maybe no one?)

31. Reflect on the shortness of life. And pack as much goodness as you possibly can (for you and for others) into every single day.

32. Always pick up the check and leave a big tip.

33. You're pumped... You're peaked... It's game time... Bring it!

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