
Wednesday, October 13, 2010

"If not now, then when?" philosophy of life

I recently received an inspiring email from a woman named Julia in Boston, Massachusetts. Julia Googled "wine my way around the world" and wouldn't you know that my blog, "I was born with a suitcase in my hand..." appeared at the top of the search list. Don't believe me? Google it. I did. How cool is that? Google I heart you.

Julia is restless for adventures and travel, and her philosophy of "if not now, then when?" is right on. Julia I say go for it. What do you have to lose? Apply for your working holiday visa, board a flight to New Zealand and enjoy. I miss a good Sauvignon Blanc. Maybe you can sneak me a couple bottles back?

This email could not have come at a better time. Instead of thinking about doing something, I am just going to do it because "if not now, then when?" No second thoughts. No regrets. Leap forward and take a chance. Life as you know it will still be here waiting if things don't work out, but most likely you will open up doors that you never knew existed.


Anonymous said...

Becky, you never cease to amaze me. Your attitude and philosophy about life is contagious. I love you. Mom

Julia Timakhovich said...

Hey Becky, this is Julia! Thanks for quoting me, just found this post showing your blog to my friend. I've applied to a few postings yesterday, Delegat's wine estate being one of them. Fingers crossed for a response. I'm so ready to leave, it's not even funny. Thanks for the inspiration.